Dereköy Energy
Our Investment in Renewable and Environmentally Friendly
Energy is for the Future
Dereköy Enerji Elektrik Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.'s Dereköy Regulator and HEPP Project, located on the Alakır watercourse in Çaltı, Kumluca district of Antalya province, was established in 2017 and has been in operation since that year. The installed capacity of our facility is 5.84 MWm and generates an average of 13 GWh of electricity per year.
The clean energy to be produced by using the potential energy of water will contribute to reduce the carbon emissions during the operation period. Our facility, which is a source of employment for many people both during installation and operation, has been constructed by 5 partner companies with more than 100 employees, and provides continuous employment for 10 personnel during the operation period.

13.000.000 kWh
With the Targeted Electricity Generation

can meet all the electricity
needs of 3.580 People on a
daily basis.

Electricity production sufficient to
meet the energy needs of 3,540 households will be carried out.
It aims to contribute to nature
and the future by preventing
6.500 ton CO₂
emissions annually with the
electricity produced from renewable energy sources.
Business Partnerships
5.84 MW
Renewable Energy
Installed Capacity
13 GWh
Renewable Energy
Installed Production
Energy Solutions
Shaping the Future
Dereköy Enerji is a pioneering company that meticulously develops all its activities in the renewable energy sector and offers solutions to the energy needs of the future. Acting with the awareness of protecting nature and based on the principle of sustainability, our company stands out with its innovative approach and groundbreaking principles.
Respect for the environment and people, which is the cornerstone of Dereköy Enerji, is at the center of all our activities. By investing in renewable energy sources, we aim to protect natural resources while contributing to a clean and safe environment.

5.830 kWp
5.000 MWe